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The magnetic powder brake and clutch are based on the electromagnetic principle and the torque transmitted by magnetic powder

* 来源 : 开明机械 * 作者 : 顾光明 * 发表时间 : 2017-11-14 * 浏览 : 745
磁粉制动器 磁粉离合器

磁粉制动器、离合器是根据电磁原理和利用磁粉传递转矩的。具有激磁电流和传递转矩基成线性关系的特点。在同滑差无关的情况下能够传递一定的转矩,具有响应速度快、结构简单、无污染、无噪音、无冲击振动、 节约能源等优点。是一种多用途、性能优越的自动控制元件。磁粉制动器经常被用于传动机械的测功加载和制动等。磁粉离合器还可用于缓冲起动、过载保护、调速等。现已被广泛应用于造纸、印刷、包装、塑料、橡胶、玻纤、纺织、印染、电线电缆、冶金等以及其他有关卷取加工行业中的放卷和收卷张力控制。磁粉制动器和磁粉离合器经常配对使用。

Magnetic particle clutch of magnetic powder brake
The magnetic powder brake and clutch are based on the electromagnetic principle and the torque transmitted by magnetic powder. Characteristics of linear relationship between excitation current and transfer torque. It has the advantages of fast response, simple structure, no pollution, no noise, no shock and vibration, energy saving and so on. Is a multi-purpose, superior performance of automatic control components. Magnetic particle brake is often used in dynamometer for loading, braking and so on. Magnetic powder clutch can also be used for buffer starting, overload protection, speed regulation and so on. It has been widely used in paper making, printing, packaging, plastics, rubber, glass fiber, textile, printing and dyeing, wire and cable, metallurgy, and other related coiling and winding industry. Magnetic powder brake and magnetic particle clutch are often used in pairs.